Ticketmaster is proud to announce it has signed a partnership with Isle of Man TT Races, an annual motorcycle racing event run on the Isle of Man in May/June of most years since its inaugural race in 1907.
There are very few sporting events in the world with the tradition, heritage, and prestige of the Isle of Man TT Races. Despite being the world’s oldest continuous motorsports event, the TT remains, however, as fascinating and relevant today – continuously inspiring new generations of riders to come and race the Mountain Course.
Largely unchanged since 1911, the 37.73 miles of public roads simply capture the imagination like no other motorcycling venue can. The TT Course, whilst difficult to learn, is even harder to master – requiring immense levels of skill and concentration as speeds nudge an incredible 200mph.
The Isle of Man TT Races takes place Monday 29th May – Saturday 10th June.
Full Schedule is available at https://iomttraces.com/

Ticketmaster will look to supply top-of-the-market ticketing solutions with innovative features to facilitate entry to The Isle of Man TT Race fans’ experience with:
– Full mobile optimisation
– Digital tickets, compatible with digital wallets
– The ability to directly manage upgrades and transfers to friends and family
– Accessibility features
Ticketmaster’s technology will give Isle of Man TT access to the best and most comprehensive suite of tools in the industry. TT fans will see huge improvements in their ticketing experience as well as a number of technological innovations that will revolutionise the way fans interact with the event.
“Putting customers first is one of the key strategic pillars for the Isle of Man TT Races. It’s important that we deliver an exceptional customer service experience and offer our fans excellent value for money for the products, services and experiences we deliver. Our partnership with Ticketmaster enables us to provide fans with a seamless experience that supports our vision, as fans around the world are able to book Grandstand tickets or a hospitality experience online in a secure and easy to access way.”
Paul Philips, Business Development, Isle of Man TT Races

“We’re very thrilled about our partnership with Isle of Man TT races to allow fans to benefit from Ticketmaster’s cutting-edge technology. Fans will enjoy a seamless ticketing experience that will allow them to focus on what is essential to them: supporting their rider.”
Chris Gratton, Managing Director, Ticketmaster Sport UK
Ticketmaster is once again thrilled about this partnership with Isle of Man TT Races, and looks forward to a successful ticketing experience for all Isle of Man TT Race fans.